
Saturday, August 29, 2009

How To Tie a Tomo 

As the resident Tomo Queen, Sunhee asked me to create a visual how-to (click to see full-size images) for all of our ladies out there who love their suede and sateen dual-sided Tomos but have no idea how to wear them. Here are a few tricks of the trade:

  1. Place them at the smallest part of you, whether that's at your belly button, just below the ribcage, or around your six-pack. This will draw attention to the slimmest part of your body, creating that hourglass silhouette that we all covet.

  2. Make sure the Tomo lays completely flat at the start, whether you begin your tie in the front or the back.

  3. If you can't loop it around twice, opt for a sexy double knot in front with longer ends.

  4. For an Asian-inspired obi look, tie it right in front. For a sophisticated twist, shift it off to the side.

  5. Can also work as a low-slung belt around the hips.

  6. Britni also wears it as a neckerchief and a headscarf. (She's gonna kill me.)

  7. To add visual appeal, you can try tucking the ends behind the double-knot, creating a rose-like finish.

  8. Tomos look great over monotone dresses, fitted button-downs, over high-waisted skirts, and as a cincher for tunics that need a little something extra. In fact, here at Sunhee Moon, we think it looks great with everything which is why you see it on our mannequins all the time.

And there you have it. Feel free to write us at info@sunheemoon.com if you need outfit suggestions or tying advice but I promise, the more you wear it, the better you'll get! Happy Tomo Tying to all, and to all a good night!


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